Adatvédelem mindenkinek / Data protection for everyone

Itt a piros, hol a piros: a piros csapatos tesztelés

2024. január 12. 15:00 - poklaszlo

A piros csapatos tesztelés (red teaming) nem egy új tesztelési technika, de az elmúlt időszakban szélesebb körben is egyre inkább figyelmet kap a mesterséges intelligencia (MI) rendszerek sérülékenységeinek tesztelésével kapcsolatban. Olyannyira így van ez, hogy az Egyesült Államok elnökének 2023.…

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Artificial Intelligence red teaming

2024. január 12. 14:45 - poklaszlo

Red teaming is not a new testing technique, but recently it has received increasing attention in connection with testing the potential vulnerabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Even the Executive Order issued by the President of the United States on October 30, 2023 requires red team…

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Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence issued in the US

2023. október 31. 11:30 - poklaszlo

On October 30, 2023, US President Biden signed an Executive Order (EO) on Artificial Intelligence. The adoption of this EO marks an important milestone in regulating AI, even if it is not a comprehensive legislation regarding its subject matter, however, it covers very important aspects of AI…

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New adequacy decision: data transfer to the US becomes much easier

2023. július 10. 16:05 - poklaszlo

Many data exporters are struggling to transfer data to the United States in a GDPR-compliant manner after the European Court of Justice annulled the adequacy decision for the United States in July 2020 with its Schrems II ruling. Data transfer to the US is a sensitive issue, as personal data may be…

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Data transfers to the USA: is the new Privacy Shield coming?

2022. október 11. 11:00 - poklaszlo

The European Commission and the United States announced in a joint statement earlier this year that an agreement  on the principles of a new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework had been reached. After this announcement, everyone has been waiting for the publication of the Executive Order to be…

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International data transfers after Schrems II

2020. július 20. 09:00 - poklaszlo

One of the most important data protection related news this summer is the European Court of Justice's judgment in Schrems II case published on 16th of July (Case C-311/18, Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd, and Maximillian Schrems). The judgment contains the following main…

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Drones and data protection

2019. június 28. 13:00 - poklaszlo

There are several legal aspects related to the use of drones, including a number of data protection issues. Although no comprehensive legislation has been enacted so far in Hungary, the Hungarian Data Protection Authority (Hungarian DPA) has, similarly to other data protection authorities,…

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