Adatvédelem mindenkinek / Data protection for everyone

Development and deployment of AI models in a GDPR-compliant way

2024. december 19. 11:45 - poklaszlo

The EDPB published its long-awaited opinion

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB), based on the request of the Irish Supervisory Authority, issued its opinion under Art. 64(2) GDPR on certain data protection aspects related to the processing of personal data in the context of AI models (the "Opinion").  Below, I briefly summarise the…

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The Whistleblowing Act has been adopted in Hungary

2023. április 20. 15:00 - poklaszlo

After a one-and-a-half-year delay, the act on whistleblowing (the “Whistleblowing Act”) was finally adopted in Hungary. The Whistleblowing Act will enter into force on the 60th day after its publication in the Official Gazette (most probably at the end of June). Update 24.05.2023: The Parliament…

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