Adatvédelem mindenkinek / Data protection for everyone

Deep dive into the AI Act - Part 1: What does the adoption of the AI Act mean in practice?

2024. június 03. 12:15 - poklaszlo

The legislative process on artificial intelligence (AI) in the European Union has reached an important milestone, after the EU Council approved the final text of the AI Act on 21 May, so the AI Act can enter into force shortly, 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal. Update…

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European AI Office: a key player in the European AI regulatory landscape

2024. február 29. 11:30 - poklaszlo

The upcoming Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) in the EU provides an important role to a new unit, the European Artificial Intelligence Office (AI Office) within the European Commission in the enforcement of the AI Act, especially regarding general-purpose AI systems and also in the…

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Artificial Intelligence red teaming

2024. január 12. 14:45 - poklaszlo

Red teaming is not a new testing technique, but recently it has received increasing attention in connection with testing the potential vulnerabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Even the Executive Order issued by the President of the United States on October 30, 2023 requires red team…

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OECD: new definition of Artificial Intelligence systems

2023. november 13. 11:00 - poklaszlo

Regulation concerning artificial intelligence is in the spotlight, as the Executive Order of the President of the United States on AI was published on October 30, and the text of the AI Act is being finalized in the EU in the framework of negotiations (trilogue) between the Parliament, the Council…

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Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence issued in the US

2023. október 31. 11:30 - poklaszlo

On October 30, 2023, US President Biden signed an Executive Order (EO) on Artificial Intelligence. The adoption of this EO marks an important milestone in regulating AI, even if it is not a comprehensive legislation regarding its subject matter, however, it covers very important aspects of AI…

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Fundamental rights impact assessment regarding the use of AI systems

2023. június 07. 14:00 - poklaszlo

In mid-May, a new version of the draft AI Act was published in the form of a compromise text adopted by the European Parliament's committees (IMCO, LIBE). The European Parliament's plenary will vote on the draft in mid-June, after which negotiations with the Council may start on the AI Act. The…

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5 years of GDPR: 5 questions and answers about the application of GDPR

2023. május 25. 15:15 - poklaszlo

"Time flies so fast", is what we often say when we arrive at an anniversary and look back. As 5 years have already passed since the GDPR became applicable on May 25, 2018, it´s worth asking some questions regarding the experiences of GDPR application, also with regard to the fact that data…

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AI and data protection: Data protection enforcement procedures in connection with the use of AI

2023. május 12. 16:00 - poklaszlo

Legislative and enforcement developments concerning artificial intelligence (AI) have received considerable attention recently: first, the data protection authority procedure initiated in Italy concerning ChatGPT (which also resulted in the temporary suspension of the service in Italy) received a…

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Why was ChatGPT banned in Italy?

2023. március 31. 17:00 - poklaszlo

One of the breaking news today that the Italian data protection authority (Garante) has decided to block the use of ChatGPT and the related data processing activities in Italy with immediate effect. In connection with the use of ChatGPT, the star of artificial intelligence (AI) developments in…

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